#Check that the most recent version of R insatlled for Macs v.2.15.1 #check and set your working directory so that you can load files without designating the file location. I just open up the R script I want from the folder that I will be working in that also contains my data getwd() #install package DESeq using package installer if not already insatlled source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") biocLite("DESeq") #load library library( "DESeq" ) #read data into DESeq, needs to be in .txt form CountData<- read.table("LT_UniqueCounts.txt",row.names=1, header=TRUE,) # check that it is correct head (CountData) # assign factors Treatment <- factor( c("Lean","Siscowet") ) # create a new data set cds <- newCountDataSet( CountData, Treatment ) # Estimate effective library size LibrarySize <- estimateSizeFactors( cds ) sizeFactors( LibrarySize ) #estimate Dispersons without replication Dispersons <- estimateDispersions( LibrarySize, method="blind", sharingMode="fit-only" ) # calculate differential gene expression DE <- nbinomTest( Dispersons, "Lean", "Siscowet" ) #check data head (DE) #plot log2 fold changes against base means plotDE <- function (DE) plot( DE$baseMean, DE$log2FoldChange, log="x", pch=20, cex=.3, col = ifelse (DE$padj < .05, "red", "black")) plotDE(DE) #plot histogram of p-values hist(DE$pval, breaks=100, col="skyblue", border="slateblue", main="") #export data into a tab deliminted txt file write.table(DE, "LT_DESeq.txt", row.names = FALSE, sep="\t")